Legal Notice

Legal notice

Website published by:

Porcher Industries
A public limited company with a management board and supervisory board with €2,371,668 in capital
Tax ID number: FR82 553 620 022
Telephone: +33 (0)4 74 43 10 10
RCS: 553620022 Vienne

Dominique SUR

Website hosted by:

Company name: Jaguar Network
Address: 71 avenue André Roussin, 13016 Marseille, France
Telephone: +33 (0) 4 22 90 99 98


Design and production: Sigmund
With: Alain Desmurger
Photos: 123 RF, Shutterstock, Bertrand Boone, Getty Images



The website is owned and operated by Porcher Industries. The presentation and each of the elements appearing on the site, including the brands, logos and domain names, are protected by the intellectual property laws in force, and are owned by Porcher Industries or by its subsidiaries.
No element constituting the site may be copied, reproduced, modified, republished, downloaded, distorted, transmitted or distributed in any way, using any media whatsoever, in whole or in part, without the prior written authorization of Porcher Industries, except strictly for journalistic purposes, and without prejudice to respect for intellectual property rights and any other property rights mentioned. Copying for private use is authorized only for your personal, private and non-commercial use, on your personal computer, or via the sharing tools offered on the site.
The following statement must appear on any authorized copy of all or part of the content of the site: "COPYRIGHT PORCHER INDUSTRIES 2021. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED."



The information presented on this site is provided for general and informational purposes only. It does not claim to be exhaustive. Although the website is subject to updates, Porcher Industries cannot be held responsible for changes in administrative and legal provisions occurring after publication.



Porcher Industries provides this information for informational purposes only, and endeavours to check the veracity of the information and keep its sites up to date. However, no guarantee is made concerning the accuracy, precision, updating or exhaustiveness of the information provided on the site.
Consequently, and with the exception of gross negligence or wilful misconduct, Porcher Industries declines all responsibility for damages resulting in particular from an incorrect or inaccurate information provided on our site, or for damages resulting from any fraudulent intrusion into our site by third parties with the intention of harming the interests or the image of Porcher Industries, in particular by falsifying the information provided on the site. Although security measures have been implemented, Porcher Industries cannot be held responsible for any damage or virus that may damage or render your computer equipment unusable following your visit to our site.



In order to facilitate access to other sites that may provide additional information, Porcher Industries may include certain hypertext links on its site. Porcher Industries cannot however be held responsible for any third party site accessed via our site containing contentious or inaccurate content. Porcher Industries has no means of controlling the content of third-party sites. While external sites may contain hypertext links pointing to our site, Porcher Industries can in no way be held responsible for the content of external sites.


During your visits to our site, a cookie may be installed automatically on your browser software. A cookie is a small computer file, also known as a "tracker," which does not allow the identification of the user but is used by Porcher Industries to record information concerning your browsing activity in order to perform traffic analyses. You may configure the preferences of your browser software to refuse cookies.



Some of the personal data stored on our server includes data you voluntarily provide when filling out online forms.
The Porcher Industries website uses Google Analytics technology to collect your data. The data is collected in the form of session information, generated during your visit.
Porcher Industries will only use the data collected to respond to requests from site visitors and to satisfy the requirements of e-mail programs.
Personal data collected through the website is primarily reserved for internal use by Porcher Industries but may also be transmitted or assigned to Porcher Industries' distributors for commercial or sales prospecting purposes. These transmissions or assignments may occur in a state that does not belong to the European Union, to (i) a subsidiary of Porcher Industries and/or (ii) a Porcher Industries distributor.
In accordance with our legal obligations, we undertake to store the personal information you provide to us under enhanced security conditions and for limited periods of time.



Please be aware that in accordance with the provisions General Data Protection Regulation you have a right to access, query, oppose and correct all this data, and in particular the personal data collected or generated before, during or after this processing activity. You may exercise these rights as provided under Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 (Data Processing and Freedoms) and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 by submitting your request directly by email to:
Please be aware that if your request is not granted within a reasonable time, you may lodge a complaint with the National Commission for Computing and Civil Liberties ("CNIL") by going directly to the website


This site and its content are governed by French law; any dispute that may arise with regard to this site will be settled before the courts of France.


Contact Page

By ticking this box and submitting this form, I consent to the use of my personal data to contact me in the context of my request as indicated in this form, and that my data may be transmitted or assigned to Porcher Industries' distributors for commercial or sales prospecting purposes.
To learn more about your rights and to exercise them, in particular to withdraw your consent to the use of data collected by this form, please consult our legal notices.